Load testing Apache Kafka using k6, with Mostafa Moradian

k6 Office Hours #62

Photo and name of Mostafa Moradian, logos of k6 and xk6-kafka extension, text: “k6 Office Hours”, “xk6-kafka”
Credits: https://twitter.com/k6_io/status/1567157157237346308?s=20&t=xzLp5XxZcG32VmWtMUSNkQ

In this office hours, I joined Nicole van der Hoeven and Paul Balogh to talk about new features in k6 v0.40.0, event-driven architectures and event-sourcing, Apache Kafka and the xk6-kafka extension.

An screenshot from the record live video showing Nicole, Paul and Mostafa with their roles in Grafana k6
Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ0fyhq1mxo

I continued by presenting xk6-kafka and an example JSON script, which I explained line by line and then ran it using a custom binary built using xk6 with the xk6-kafka extension. I explained the end results and how they relate with what we have in the script.

I’d be happy to see your contribution, and feedback. 🙏

